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The Value Proposition: Using Data to Avoid Disappointment and Meet Client Expectations

Fuente: https://www.ies.org/lda/the-value-proposition-using-data-to-avoid-disappointment-and-meet-client-expectations/?utm_source=IES&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Client%20Updates

Fecha: 16-10-2019

The mention of intelligent, connected lighting systems may immediately start a swirling of ideas around the limitless possibilities, but in these still-early days, it may be more likely to render a headache. While the ability of lighting systems to share data with other systems is exciting, the implementation can quickly become overwhelming. The struggle to understand, manage and effectively utilize data is real and not going away anytime soon.

The changing pace of the lighting industry continues. We are learning new terminology, working with different disciplines, acquiring (or perhaps just desiring) new skill sets and pondering what’s next, while still trying to meet the demands each day brings. While those nearing retirement may be able to avoid pythons, rhinos and honeybees, many in lighting are wishing for another programming or data science class, or degree.

A recent article by Steven Burrows in Structure Magazine, “Disruption is Coming to the Building Industry,” paints an exciting picture for the future of buildings, targeting a 50% increase in the productivity of the building industry. This increase in productivity is coming, he argues, because technology has already disrupted all other traditional high-cost, low-productivity industries, leaving the building industry as the last major industry for technology to disrupt. How will lighting fit into this future?

