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EU Policy Offers the Lighting Industry Risks and Opportunities

Source: https://www.led-professional.com/business/reports/eu-policy-offers-the-lighting-industry-risks-and-opportunities?utm_source=LED+professional+-+FREE+Information+Service&utm_campaign=7ba765ada7-LED+professional+Newsletter+%28LpN%29-Feb15%2C+2018_COPY&utm_me

Date: 29-08-2019

The European Union is pushing a number of policy initiatives in the coming months and years that will have a profound impact on the business models of firms competing in the European lighting industry.

LightingEurope (LE) is the industry's eyes and ears in Brussels and its foremost representative in dialogue with policymakers. Like trade associations from all industry sectors it is monitoring potential policy threats to its members. But it also identifies growth opportunities that should be embraced by the lighting industry.

In order to minimize the risk and maximize the opportunities the lighting industry, led by LE, engages with policymakers to help them get the policy framework right. Without a clear voice in Brussels the industry risks being on the receiving end of ill-informed regulations. With the range of different policy initiatives currently underway or about to begin, the potential risk now is greater than ever.

