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Bio-Effective Lighting for Humans, Livestock and Plants

Fuente: https://www.tecnocert.info/single-post/2017/05/03/Bio-Effective-Lighting-for-Humans-Livestock-and-Plants

Fecha: 03-05-2017

Mood lighting is often misleadingly interpreted as HCL. But HCL is much more because it includes biologically effective light that is beneficial or dangerous, depending on the correct application. While the relevant parts of the radiation spectrum may differ, light is also biologically effective for plants and animals and it is used to achieve well-defined effects. Volker Neu, General Manager LED at Vossloh-Schwabe Lighting Solutions, presents examples, discusses similarities and differences between humans, animals and plants in respect to the relevant spectra, and scrutinizes possible consequences.     


In plant growth and animal farming, a lot of research is done to find opportunities to improve growth, health and productivity. In some respects even more is known about the former than about HCL. The article sets out to detail the various biological effects of identical wavelengths on plants, livestock and humans. Current knowledge about the different genera is compared and is used as inspiration to consider possible transfers to HCL (Human Centric Lighting).
