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LECs - The Light of the Future Thanks Nanostructures

Fuente: https://www.led-professional.com/technology/light-generation/lecs-the-light-of-the-future-thanks-nanostructures?utm_source=LED+professional+-+FREE+Information+Service&utm_campaign=6f3ab52261-LED+professional+Newsletter+%28LpN%29+-+Dec+1%2C+2016&utm_medium

Fecha: 02-01-2017

 In future they are to light up the inside of handbags or make evening joggers stand out in the dark: Light-emitting electrochemical cells, LECs, offer many advantages compared to familiar LEDs, but there's still something lacking – the right light. Until now only yellow light LECs are suitable for realistic use. But at least one other light colour is needed for more neutral light. Researchers in the Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE) of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) have now been able to selectively change the colour for the first time and at the same time increase the performance of the LECs.  
